В марте 2023 года наш билингвалный театральный коллектив принял участие в Международном детском театральном фестивале «Сканди Сэндвич». Он был организован художественным руководителем (Юлией Лыбаек) Детской театральной академии из Копенгагена «Арлекин». 8 юных актеров исполнили спектакль под названием «Кастинг » по мотивам рассказа Ганса Христиана Андерсона «Русалочка».Во время фестиваля наши исполнители встретили новых друзей, посетили интересные […]

.In March 2023, our bilingual theatre group participated at the at the International Children`s Theatre Festival, ” Scandi Sandwich” It was organised by the Artistic director( Yulia Lybaek) of the Children`s  Theatre Academy from Copenhagen, ” Harlequin”. 8 young actors performed a show called “The Audition” based on “The Little Mermaid” story by Hans Christian […]

The Children’s Centre of Education and Arts “Kaleidoscope” invites children, ages 4-5 years old, to join our new youngest group “Orange”. Classes are held on Saturdays from 10:00-12:40 at Southgate Primary School Barrington Road, Southgate, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 6DG There are 4 subjects in the day: Reading, Russian language, Speech Development and Drama/Music. Classes […]

The Children’s Centre of Education and Arts “Kaleidoscope” invites children, ages 4-5 years old, to join our new youngest group “Orange”. Classes are held on Saturdays from 10:00-12:40 at Southgate Primary School2 Barrington Road, Southgate, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 6DG There are 4 subjects in the day: Reading, Russian language, Speech Development and Drama/Music. Classes […]