В марте 2023 года наш билингвалный театральный коллектив принял участие в Международном детском театральном фестивале «Сканди Сэндвич». Он был организован художественным руководителем (Юлией Лыбаек) Детской театральной академии из Копенгагена «Арлекин». 8 юных актеров исполнили спектакль под названием «Кастинг » по мотивам рассказа Ганса Христиана Андерсона «Русалочка».Во время фестиваля наши исполнители встретили новых друзей, посетили интересные […]

.In March 2023, our bilingual theatre group participated at the at the International Children`s Theatre Festival, ” Scandi Sandwich” It was organised by the Artistic director( Yulia Lybaek) of the Children`s  Theatre Academy from Copenhagen, ” Harlequin”. 8 young actors performed a show called “The Audition” based on “The Little Mermaid” story by Hans Christian […]

The Children’s Centre of Education and Arts “Kaleidoscope” invites children, ages 4-5 years old, to join our new youngest group “Orange”. Classes are held on Saturdays from 10:00-12:40 at Southgate Primary School Barrington Road, Southgate, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 6DG There are 4 subjects in the day: Reading, Russian language, Speech Development and Drama/Music. Classes […]

The Children’s Centre of Education and Arts “Kaleidoscope” invites children, ages 4-5 years old, to join our new youngest group “Orange”. Classes are held on Saturdays from 10:00-12:40 at Southgate Primary School2 Barrington Road, Southgate, Crawley, West Sussex, RH10 6DG There are 4 subjects in the day: Reading, Russian language, Speech Development and Drama/Music. Classes […]

DEAR PARENTS OF OUR FUTURE PUPILS! WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT THE OPEN DAY IN RUSSIAN WE INVITE YOU TO VISIT THE OPEN DAY IN RUSSIAN CHILDREN’S CENTER of EDUCATION AND ARTS “KALEIDOSCOPE”  JULY 16  11.00 –12.00. You will be able to make an excursion on our educational classes and to see how interesting the lessons […]

Dear Friends, we hope you liked the meeting with Natalia Mayeava  the  famous soviet/Russian actress  from Moscow  New Theatre and to listen to this unique and beautiful Russian with its intonations and colourful meanings. We will try our best to invite more different people to give our children the great opportunity to hear  the language they learn […]

September 12, 2015, Children’s Centre Of Education and Arts opened its classes for the New School year! Good Luck, Children!